Fitness & Firearms
US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
Experience Not Theory
Gauge Your Marksmanship Skill with the War HOGG Self Eval
Improve Your Marksmanship Training With a Range Plan
Shifting Gears - Red Dot Pistol Shooting Drill
The Nightstand Red Dot Pistol Shooting Drill
Red Dot Pistol Shooting From The Prone Position
Shooting From A Pistol From A Seated Position - Red Dot Pistol Shooting Drill
Pistol Shooting Drill - Shooting and Moving Forward with A Pistol
Pistol Shooting Drill - Shooting On The Move Laterally
Pistol Shooting Drill - Turning And Shooting with a Red Dot Pistol
The War HOGG Administrative Load for a Red Dot Sight Pistol
Pistol Shooting Drill - Shooting from a Barricade a critical task for a Law Enforcement Firearms Training Program
The War HOGG 1-1-1 Pistol Shooting Drill
The War HOGG "V" Pistol Shooting Drill
Improve your Law Enforcement Firearms Training Program with The Firearms Training Notebook - Be 1% Better Everyday.
Train Your Eyes To Improve Your Pistol Marksmanship Firearms Training
Pistol Shooting Drills - How To Add Realism to Your Firearms Training